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> übungen > grammatik > indirekte rede

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Übersicht (alle Grammatik Übungen)

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1) Tom: “I want to go to the cinema tomorrow. They are playing Dreamgirls.”
Tom informed his friend that__________________________________________________

2) Linda: “I’m 16 years old now. My birthday was last Monday. I had a big party with my friends.”
Linda told the children that ____________________________________________________

3) Sandra: “I was born in Italy, but my parents moved to New York when I was three. I`ve been living here for 12 years now.”
Sandra said that _____________________________________________________________

4) Mr. Singh: “My wife and I have three children. They are all grown up now, and they are all studying in America. Next summer we are going to visit them.
Mr Singh explained that ______________________________________________________

5) Frank Drebin: “My name is Frank Drebin. I am a police detective in Los Angeles. I had been working on a case in the City Zoo when my boss called me.”
Frank Drebin said that________________________________________________________


Find more grammar exercises on: www.englishpage.de.vu



1. Tom informed his friend that he wanted to go to the cinema the next day. He said that they were playing Dreamgirls.
2. Linda told the children that she was 16 years old then. She said that her birthday had been the Monday before, and she mentioned that she had had a big party with her friends.
3. Sandra said that she had been born in Italy, but her parents had moved to New York when she had been three. She explained that she had been living there for 12 years then.
4. Mr Singh explained that his wife and he had three children. He said that they were all grown up then, and that they were all studying in America. He mentioned that they were going to visit them the following summer.
5. Frank Drebin said that his name was Frank Drebin. He mentioned that he was a police detective in Los Angeles. He explained that he had been working on a case in the city Zoo when his boss had called him.


Find more grammar exercises on: www.englishpage.de.vu

(C) 2007 Bernie Zöttl




Online Reported Speech free English exercise - Indirekte Rede, gratis online Englisch Übungszettel

Grammar exercises for high school students and English learners - for free! Fill in exercises, interactive tasks, exams and tests. Check your grammar, look up the grammar rules and improve your English. The best way to get good marks at school. Find exercises and the rules for all grammar topics on the EnglishPage.

Grammatik Übungen für Schüler in allen Schulstufen; Hauptschule, Gymnasium, AHS, BHS, Realschule, HAK, HTL, HASCH, HBLA, Gesamtschule ... Übungsbeispiele für alle, die Englisch lernen wollen - kostenlos! Einfüllübungen, nteraktive Aufgaben, Prüfungszettel und Tests. Überprüfe deine Englischkenntnisse, schlage die Grammatikregeln nach und verbessere dein Englisch. der beste Weg, gute Noten in der Schule zu bekommen. Hier auf der EnglishPage findest du Übungen und die Regeln für alle Grammatikgebiete.

Tenses, Adjective or Adverb, Conditionals (if-clauses), Gerund or Infinitive, Irregular Verbs, Modal Verbs (can, may, must, shall, might, be able to, be allowed to, have to, should, ...), Negation, Passive, Questions, Reported Speech (Indirect Speech), Some or Any


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